Diabetic Retinopathy: Signs, Stages, Eye Care Tips

Many people with diabetes know it can affect their eyesight. However, a recent study found that 20% of diabetics didn’t get their yearly eye checkups as advised. But how exactly does diabetic retinopathy impact our eyesight? Diabetes on the Eye...

All About Cataract Surgery Recovery: 5 Helpful Tips to Ease the Process

Recovering from cataract surgery is generally a straightforward process. However, like any medical procedure, taking precautions after cataract surgery is important to ensure a smooth and successful healing process. Here are five helpful tips from Ke...

Types of Cataracts and Prevention

June is Cataract Awareness Month, and in case you missed our first blog post earlier this month detailing cataracts, astigmatism, and presbyopia, you can review it here. Did you know there are various types of cataracts? Cataracts are not a one-size-...

Cataracts, Astigmatism and Presbyopia

Experiencing blurry vision? There are several different things that can cause blurriness up close or far away. This article will discuss causes of blurriness that don’t go away.   A cataract is the clouding of the natural lens. The lens is res...